Buying Guide: More About Toto Washlets

Buying Guide: More About Toto Washlets

There are different names for it; water closed, loo, restroom, bathroom or toilet. We all use it but every part of the world have their own special way of using bathroom technology. The easterners prefer to use a squat toilet and this squat toilet is usually just a hole dug in the ground and lined with porcelain. The flushing mechanism is optional and in most cases, you are to come with your own toilet paper.

A large percentage of European prefer to use the bidet which cleans the genitals with a spray of water after use. the United States fancy a flush toilet that can be used by squatting or sitting on it and cleaning is done with the use of toilet paper.

In recent times, some companies are trying to incorporate the bidet into the western toilet and Toto, the Japanese company is one of them.

Toto created the Washlet which is a unit that is placed on the conventional flush toilet and lets the user sit down on the toilet just like the American style but cleans up with the bidet's water jet when they are done.

The Washlet already has four models in the US. Their price range is between $880 to over $2,200. The bells are whistles are more in the expensive models. There is a simpler version to choose from, the C110 which cleanses both the front and rear have a heated seat together with temperature and water pressure control.

S400 is the most evolved model. It comes with extra perks like the auto flush option, the warm air drying feature and an automatic air purifier. There are numerous features that allow users to customize their products.

Washlet enthusiasts propose that it is a more hygienic cleaner than a triple-ply toilet paper because it sprays water gently.

Those who still show their reluctance claim that a machine may not be able to clean better than hands. They wonder how the high-tech seat will know that it is time to clean. Besides most Americans have not welcomed the idea of bidets and there are conflicting opinions on whether they will accept this.

If you want to try out a Toto Washlet in your property, first find out the specific design of your toilet. People mistake the Washlet as another type of toilet unit but it is just a high tech seat that you can mount on an existing toilet.

Although the Toto company makes Washlet compatible toilets, you can still fit your washlet on other brands. When you are ready to buy a unit, it is important to go on the manufacturer's website and see the kind of Washlet that has been made to fit your toilet.

There are different shapes of washlet and you can choose the one that suits your need.

Make sure that the space between the front of the toilet tank and the seat bolts are a minimum of 1.75 inches for you to mount and fit your unit properly. The controls of the unit are automatic and so you should have an electrical outlet close to the toilet for you to connect it to.

Although it is recommended that you allow professional plumbers to install it, you can use this DIY approach if you feel you can try it out.

There are several parts in the washlet:

The lid unit and heated sit that you connect right on your current toilet.

Water supply hose that links the water source behind the toilet to the water supply port of the unit.

Water filter and drain that is connected at the rear of the unit and provides water for the spray wand.

The jet spray wand is located under the lid at the back which responds to the user's command and sprays water.

Control panel or remote control can be fitted in one of two locations, either mounted on the wall or just beside the unit. The control panel allows users to start and stop the flow of water and it also lets the user change the temperature and water pressure as it suits them.

Apart from these main parts, the Washlet has an additional self-cleaning nozzle. It is operated by the remote or sensor and is an offset of the jet spray wand.

The wand is cleaned by making a series of extensions and retractions through water sheets. The Washlet wand has the ability to inhibit the growth of microorganisms because it is composed of an antimicrobial plastic which was also coated with silver ion.

Is the Toto Washlet Environment Friendly?

The proponents of the Toto washlet support it because they believe it makes the environment better by lowering the amount of toilet paper used in cleaning up.

Americans are said to use 36.5 billion rolls toilet paper which can be converted to 15 million trees in tree currency, every year.

To add to the figure, it takes over 473 billion gallons of water for the soft ply to be produced. After that, there are several resources spent on packaging and transporting it to places for use.

Those in support of the Bidet claim that toilet paper is bad for the sewer systems because it blocks it frequently and this means that the sewer has to be emptied regularly at short intervals. Some people use both the bidet and the toilet paper but they wouldn't use the paper in large quantities unlike those who use only the paper.

Even though the washlet can reduce toilet paper use there are still concerns about the water supply required to make the spray mechanism work.

Toto stated that their device does not use up to a gallon of water daily for the size of an average family. The duration of the cleaning cycle is determined by the user. It can be as short as 20 seconds but every minute, the front and rear ports can use about 9 to 30 ounces of water. The quantity of water used for cleaning has no relationship with that of the flushing.

The Washlet also benefits the environment because it saves energy. When not in use, you can set the whole unit to power off after S certain length of time to conserve energy.

That doesn't, however, change the fact that energy and water are still wasted during the manufacturing process and the shipping.

Any Personal Benefit of the Washlet?

The one question that people commonly ask is if bidets are truly more hygienic than wiping. Bidet supporters will argue that using a paper to wipe is not all that sanitary because not washing the hands after can transfer germ. But many experts warn against the possibility of a bacteria accumulation in the Washlet spray faucet and this can cause infections.

With the new upgrades though like the self-cleaning nozzle, it is expected that the accumulation of germs will not pose a problem to users. Also, the water may even be more relaxing for people who have rough skin, hemorrhoids, and rashes. Some symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases can be managed with the help of the bidet.

A lot of changes have occurred in the world of bathroom technology. From the squat toilets and composters to the bidets and self-cleaning mechanisms, what interesting feature will be added next.