Pumps, Water Heaters, and Boilers: ​Pros and Cons of Tankless Water Heater

Pumps, Water Heaters, and Boilers: ​Pros and Cons of Tankless Water Heater

Do you know the difference between tank and tankless water heaters? Many people don’t, but these differences are important when you’re looking to make the best choice for your home’s plumbing system. Both tank and tankless water heaters have benefits and drawbacks, and either can be a good option depending on your specific needs. Figuring out your ideal choice comes down to the details—things like cost, energy efficiency, and functionality should be at the top of your considerations.

To help you decide, we’ve put together this quick guide on what you need to know to decide between a tankless and tank water heater, particularly the benefits that both options have to offer.

Tank vs. Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless water heaters are one of the newest offerings that help increase the energy efficiency of your home. Unlike standard (tank) water heaters, tankless water heaters work by heating up water as it is needed, unlike a traditional water heater that keeps its tank full of hot water. Tankless water heaters save energy because they only heat the water that is needed at the time.

So what are some of the specific pros and cons of going with an energy efficient water heater like this? Here’s what you should know:


  • Endless hot water. Tankless water heaters instantly produce hot water when you turn on the faucet or shower, helping to create a truly spa-like experience.
  • Energy efficiency. Just how efficient are tankless water heaters? Tankless water heaters operate 30% more efficiently than your standard, tank options, which translates directly into savings on your utility bill.
  • Durability. Hot water heaters, specifically our Noritz heaters, last longer than traditional water heaters, when maintained properly. 
  • Convenience. Tankless water heaters take up less space in your home, and they are lighter, making the installation much easier.


  • Higher purchase cost. You’ll face a higher up front cost at initial purchase with tankless electric or gas water heaters.
  • Occasional inconveniences. When not paired with a recirculation pump, it takes longer to get hot water than with a traditional water heater.

Fortunately, the cons aren’t such a big issue when you purchase a tankless water heater from a reputable brand. We’re particularly fond of Noritz brand tankless water heaters, which are eco-friendly, economical, space saving, and easy to install, all while using innovative technology to help ensure they work without issue. Noritz also stands by their products and offers industry leading 25-year warranties on select models.

Tank Water Heater Pros and Cons

Storage tank water heaters might not be as advanced as their tankless alternatives, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have a number of benefits of their own. Before you decide that a tankless water heater is right for you, consider these pros and cons.


  • Lower initial costs. The upfront cost to purchase a storage tank water heater is considerably less than what you would spend to purchase a tankless water heater. 
  • Less costly maintenance. If you have a problem with your tank water heater you’ll be facing much cheaper repair costs due to the fact that the way they operate is a lot more simple, and thus easier to evaluate and fix. 
  • Speed. Hot water is available almost immediately, which is ideal for quick showers or baths.


  • Higher utility bills. Upfront costs aren’t always the only concern when it comes to affordability. What you save in initial fees you’ll likely end up spending anyway in higher utility bills.
  • More space requirements. As you might expect, a storage tank water heater is going to take up more space than a tankless one. If you don’t have much room to spare, this could be an issue.
  • Possibility of running out of hot water temporarily. Traditional water heaters have a storage capacity and a recharge capacity. Eventually you hit a point at which you've passed the capacity of the tank, and the tank's ability to heat more water, and you will run out for a period of time.

Just as with tankless heaters, the most important consideration should always be the quality of the manufacturer. We like State water heaters (like this one), since they offer self-cleaning technology that helps reduce maintenance work and increase longevity and efficiency. State water heaters are also environmentally friendly and compliant with Energy Star standards, and they create ultra-low or low NOx emissions.

It really depends on your needs and preferences. Both tankless and tank water heaters offer both advantages and drawbacks, and it’s up to you to decide which factors matter the most for making your decision. Whichever type you choose, browse our water heater selection to find the best heater at the best price for your needs.